Transitioning from graphic recording to digital scribing? Procreate is fast becoming the digital scribe’s app of choice. You can design and import your own custom brushes and drawing tools, like these custom brushes that simulate Neuland markers from Illumistories.
Procreate also comes with nearly 200 embedded drawing tools. Here’s a quick reference to how each of Procreate’s drawing tools show up:
Procreate tools
My personal favorites:
Narinder: for sketching and rough drawing
Technical Pen, Fine Tip, and Monoline: for fine and detailed drawing and lettering
Flatbrush: for Neuland hand lettering
Brush pen and Script: to simulate Neuland Art Markers
Softbrush, 2B Compressed, Ultrafine Nozzle, Water Bleed, Wet Sponge, and Wash: for chalk and pastel effects