Hopefully, your first time delivering content ONLINE or facilitating a group process VIRTUALLY isn’t for the client who’s paying for it.
If you’ve got a 30-minute to 3-hour workshop, training, or facilitated process you’re working on and would like to pilot before delivering it to a live studio audience, NOVA Scribes might be the place. Since it began in 2016, NOVA Scribes has been a forum for graphic facilitators to share their knowledge and practice their skills. Today, facilitators, trainers, and consultants have all used NOVA Scribes to demonstrate new offerings before taking them to their clients and to the broader public. You get to practice delivering new content and get feedback; NOVA Scribes members get to participate at a discount.
…oh yeah, you’ll make a little money at it, too. Presenters get 60% of the proceeds, the remainder goes to NOVA Scribes for scholarships and to build the community of visual practitioners.
There’s only two requirements: First, your content can't be death by PowerPoint. It has to have an interactive and a visual component. Second, the topic has to be something that other facilitators would find interested. Here’s a few sample topics, but don’t be limited by this list!
Facilitating diversity and inclusion conversations,
Brainstorming and participatory decision making,
Managing group dynamics,
Team culture and team building,
Design thinking and prototyping,
Leadership development and self-awareness,
…or any facilitation method with a visual component.
If you’re interested in practicing with NOVA Scribes, please send me a note: brian@lizardbrain.com
More about NOVA Scribes
NOVA Scribes is 640 people who use visuals to move others: consultants, facilitators, graphic recorders, scribes, and sketchnoters. We're all volunteers: anyone can be an organizer or presenter. The proceeds from the events go to the presenters and into the group for scholarships and to help build the community of visual practitioners. We have organized classes, graphic jams, open spaces, and webinars to share skills and learn from each other. We record our webinars and post them for anyone to watch later, whether you are a member or not.
Check out a few of our recent recorded webinars here:
Digital Studio Best Practices - Mike “Muddy” Schlegel - https://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Scribes/events/270596966/ - https://youtu.be/JVgwtUFtITg
Email Marketing for Creatives that Feels Awesome - Karina Branson - https://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Scribes/events/264621581/ - https://youtu.be/rU95W-ufa5A
Engaging Adults as Visual Practitioners - Andrea Hancock - https://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Scribes/events/265019606/ - https://youtu.be/m5mnR__PGqU
Visual Process Work with Individuals - Christina Merkley - https://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Scribes/events/262077908/ - https://youtu.be/AEAXw9kxE48
Shazam! What you can learn from Comic Books to level up your Graphic Recording - Trent Wakenight - https://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Scribes/events/257761158/ - https://youtu.be/zXxyGGl3s48
Building Creative Confidence through Sketching - Rob Colenso - https://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Scribes/events/248335519/ - https://youtu.be/P9xt9NUQ7ow
The Grove's Visual Model for Teaming - Laurie Durnell - https://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Scribes/events/249690076/ - https://youtu.be/zOEnzNL9KAA
Getting Started with Visual Strategic Planning - Caryn Ginsberg - https://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Scribes/events/249267199/ - https://youtu.be/qybvwrxir0k
Visual Practitioners’ Wellness Workshop - Beth Skubis - https://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Scribes/events/247154704/ - https://youtu.be/FTv7GxpXyao
Lettering Tools and Tips for Visual Practitioners - Heather Martinez - https://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Scribes/events/238834675/ - https://youtu.be/oQNvRtMJkJE
Remote Graphic Recording - Muddy Schlegel - https://www.meetup.com/NOVA-Scribes/events/235519622/ - https://youtu.be/iJgaSn_Bo-Q
Lizard Brain has been a proud sponsor of NOVA Scribes since the group began in January 2016.