
Everything we do is visual. But we don't just draw.

We facilitate groups of all kinds whenever they get together outside the scope of their usual roles. Our roots are in:

Leadership development

  • Team development

  • Organizational development

  • Strategic planning

  • Team and meeting facilitation

Lizard Brain - Graphic Facilitation

Lizard Brain - Graphic Facilitation

Think with ink

Visual Facilitation

Visual Facilitation is meeting and team facilitation using large format visuals to guide participants towards co-created decisions.

With your best possible outcomes in mind, we partner with you to design the agenda, plan the engagement, facilitate the meeting, and create a space for participants to collaborate.


Lizard Brain - Graphic Recording

Lizard Brain - Graphic Recording

See Your Ideas

Visual Recording

Visual recording is silent visual note-taking. We illustrate the conversations and information shared during a meeting. It helps participants to quickly conceptualize ideas by giving them a visual reference. It contributes to the group memory of the event, creating an artifact that can be used to reference the discussion and decisions.

Lizard Brain - Leadership and Corporate Development

Lizard Brain - Leadership and Corporate Development

Illustrate the future

Leadership and Corporate Development

Vision maps are illustrations that show complex future states, current operating environments, or plans or proposals on a single placemat-sized sheet of paper. We gather content from existing source documents, facilitated team meetings, and key stakeholder interviews. The content is then woven into a single cohesive story. We use a visual metaphor to tell that story. Vision maps invite communication between the presenter and audience.

Lizard Brain - Whiteboard Animation

Lizard Brain - Whiteboard Animation

engage your audience

Whiteboard Animation

Whiteboard animation is high-speed, time-lapsed illustration captured on video with voiced explanations to capture attention and communicate messages quickly and efficiently to wide audiences.


Lizard Brain - Myers Briggs Testing and Training

Lizard Brain - Myers Briggs Testing and Training

Know your type

Myers Briggs Testing and Training

Myers Briggs will improve teams and their communication and decision-making process. It aids leadership development and self-awareness. It can reduce conflict, provide greater efficiency. Brian Tarallo is an MBTI® Master Practitioner, one of 160 globally. He is certified to deliver the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the FIRO-B Assessment and the Grove Team Performance Model (TPM)


Lizard Brain - Strategic Planning

Lizard Brain - Strategic Planning

Visual triage

Strategic Planning

Visuals convey complex plans, current operating environments, or proposals. Data is gathered from existing source documents (ie – strategic plans), facilitated team meetings, and key stakeholder interviews. Content is organized using a technique called "visual triage" for sifting and binning similar themes.

Lizard Brain - Design Thinking / Innovation

Lizard Brain - Design Thinking / Innovation

a roadmap to a solution

Design Thinking/Innovation

Starting with the question of what is need is being addressed, Lizard Brain helps identify key elements, past solutions, and obvious solutions to arrive at breakthrough ideas.

Lizard Brain - Graphic Facilitation Training

Lizard Brain - Graphic Facilitation Training

TEACHing the skills

Graphic facilitation and Graphic Recording Training

Lizard Brain teaches fundamental graphic facilitation skills and strategies to improve your presentations through visuals. Training can be tailored to your organization and how to use visuals to improve meetings.