Brian Tarallo graphic records a strategic planning meeting
Brian Tarallo and Claire Tarallo scribe a TEDx talk
Brian Tarallo of Lizard Brain graphic records a strategic planning meeting
A knowledge wall captures the social determinants of health
Graphic illustrations of TEDx Talks are visual reminders
Graphic recordings can capture many ideas in context
Lizard Brain specializes in capturing conversations on diversity, equity, and inclusion
A Lizard Brain graphic recording on the social determinants of health
Brian Tarallo of Lizard Brain captures a team conversation
A graphic recording by Lauren Green and Brian Tarallo of Lizard Brain
Together, graphic charts from a TEDx conference formed a single image
A 37' graphic recording by Brian Tarallo on diversity, equity, and inclusion
A Lizard Brain graphic recording on homelessness intervention
A graphic recording for the Center for Constitutional Rights
Lauren Green of Lizard Brain visual records for a technology conference
Graphic recordings by Lizard Brain visually capture all ideas
Close ups of drawings translate well to social media
Large-scale visual note taking of a keynote presentation by Lizard Brain
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