Brian Tarallo, Managing Director. Photo credit: Ray Martinez.

Brian Tarallo, Managing Director. Photo credit: Ray Martinez.

Brian Tarallo, managing director of Lizard Brain, possesses a unique combination of skill sets. His business education, business and entrepreneur work experience, artistic ability, and disposition are a perfect union to bring out the best result for clients. He is a facilitator who specializes in visual methods and virtual meetings. He facilitates clients through illustrating their visions, seeing their strategies, and mapping their futures. Brian facilitates federal agencies, national associations, and corporations. He has worked with the healthcare, federal and state government, defense, engineering, and education, and consulting industries. He has served as a business process improvement manager for a federal agency, an operations manager and later a senior consultant for a Washington, DC-based consulting firm, an associate and later an associate partner for a Washington, DC-based engineering firm, a project manager and an operations manager for a national development firm, and a development volunteer for the U.S. Peace Corps.

  • 15 years of experience in facilitation, strategic planning, leadership development and training, organizational development, team development, and visual consulting

  • MBA focusing in development and finance, Arizona State University

  • Certified Professional Facilitator (CPF), International Association of Facilitators (IAF)

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Master Practitioner, one of 160 globally

  • Certified to deliver the FIRO-B Assessment and the Grove Team Performance Model (TPM)

  • Trainer and associate, the Grove Consultants International

  • Contributing author - “The World of Visual Facilitation”; Blijsie, Hamons, & Smith; 2019

  • Founder, OGSystems Visioneering Team

  • Founder, NOVA Scribes

  • Member and presenter, International Forum of Visual Practitioners (IFVP)

  • Member and presenter, Mid-Atlantic Facilitators' Network (MAFN)

  • Project Management Professional (PMP), Project Management Institute (PMI)

  • TEDx speaker, TEDxLizardCreek 2014

  • Experienced in delivering Red Team Facilitation, Blue Ocean Strategy, the Grove Consultants’ Strategic Visioning, Generative Scribing, Kinesthetic Modeling, Crucial Conversations, the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, the Organizational Cultural Assessment Indicator, Social Styles, the Tuckman Model of Team Development, and Lencioni’s Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Lauren Green, Partner. Photo credit: Ray Martinez.

Lauren Green, Partner. Photo credit: Ray Martinez.

Lauren Green is a graphic facilitator, graphic recorder, and coach with specialties in organization development, strategic communications, and performing arts. Lauren specializes in coaching and facilitating with visual templates. She draws from best practices in adult learning that encourage inclusive and engaging group processes. Lauren holds a master’s in Organization Development and Knowledge Management from George Mason University (2016). Her graduate work includes special concentrations in group dynamics; collaborative technology; knowledge management; self-leadership; diversity and inclusion; and Appreciative Inquiry. Lauren is also a CTI-trained coach and is currently working towards her ICF certification.

Lauren does graphic recording (large-scale visual note-taking) for conferences, meetings, workshops, and other events. She aims to create visual knowledge artifacts that increase audience engagement and retention of information shared.

In previous work experiences, Lauren has managed online communities for several organizations that span the performing arts, animal welfare, education, and hospitality fields. Lauren enjoys applying performance metaphors and mind-body techniques to her current work. She aims to create an engaging and energized experience for every group that she facilitates.

  • M.S. Organization Development and Knowledge Management (George Mason University)

  • Trained and experienced in facilitating using organization development, change management, and design thinking techniques (Appreciative Inquiry, Open Space Technology, Lean-Startup, LUMA Institute)

  • Trained and experienced in using graphic recording and facilitation tools in strategic planning and visioning sessions

  • Certified in the Grove Team Performance Model

  • Trained and experienced in individual and group coaching (Coaches Training Institute)

  • 5 years of experience working with non-profit groups and organizations

  • 8 years of experience in digital and strategic communications design and delivery
